Fat-breaking body treatments

11th district cavitational fat breakdown body treatment body shaping Budapest Beauty Salon


Highly effective fat removal with all the benefits of 3 treatments

Do you need fast and effective weight loss? Do you think it is impossible, or can you achieve it only with the help of intense diet and exercise?

Why choose Bshape treatment?

We have developed our BShape treatment line for those ladies who want to achieve quick results, but do not have time to spend several hours a day training cardio and afflict themselves with too strict a diet.

How is the treatment carried out?

Vacuum massage is important in fat mobilization and increasing blood flow prior to BShape machine treatment. 

Next, we'll bring out the big guns! With the Bshape machine, you can expect around 20,000 muscle contractions during electromagnetic muscle stimulation. This treatment is an extreme muscle contraction, which will quickly tire the area, triggering muscle building and local fat loss. 

The last stop is the wave massage, which plays an important role in cleansing the lymphatic system.

Who is it recommended for?

Bshape is especially recommended for those who have not achieved the coveted goal through diet or exercise. In addition to all this, this procedure is designed for people who belong to the slightly overweight or overweight group and want to get rid of the undesirable fat layer.

We are waiting for you in Budaörs in the Beauty & Balance Beauty Studio,
in a beautiful environment, with professional professionals!

11th district cavitational fat breakdown body treatment body shaping Budapest Beauty Salon

Cavitational fat breakdown

Long-lasting, effective fat breakdown by natural method

Diet and exercise are in vain, but the coveted tight skin is still not achieved? There is a natural solution for it, which is nothing more than cavitational fat breakdown!

Why cavitational fat breakdown?

Ultrasonic cavitation is one of the most effective and recent achievements of medical aesthetics. The purpose of cavitation is not to empty fat stores, but to permanently break down fat cells. By applying it, a lasting result can be achieved naturally.

How does cavitational fat breakdown work?

During treatment, high-power ultrasound waves create micro bubbles inside the fat cells of the treated area. As the fluid goes through several phases, fat cells grow and decrease, eventually bursting, releasing water and fat into the lymphatic circulation. So, the broken down fat cells leave the body naturally, through the lymphatic circulation. Cavitational fat breakdown, when used with a completely painless and conscious diet, has very spectacular results. You can even reduce your dress size by 1-2 sizes by just one course of treatment. Since the enhancement of lymphatic circulation is not solved with cavitational treatment, we recommend infrared training or wave massage immediately after the treatment. 

Who is it recommended for?

Cavitational fat breakdown is highly recommended for those who have not achieved the coveted goal through diet or exercise. In addition to all this, this procedure is designed for people who belong to the slightly overweight or overweight group and want to get rid of the undesirable fat layer.

We are waiting for you in Budaörs in the Beauty & Balance Beauty Studio,
in a beautiful environment, with professional professionals!